Sure a groomed dog looks nice, which is more important is that it keeps your dog’s skin and coat healthier. Establishing a regular grooming schedule now, so you can avoid health problems such as excessive shedding, skin ailments, paw deformities from untrimmed nails as well as teeth, ear and eye troubles. 

Please contact us to make reservation first so that we can assign allocated service time your furry family member only.

Grooming Checklist at Bark

  • The Initial Brush
  •  The first step to grooming your dog, your dog is thoroughly brushed all mats and tangles are removed.

  • ​​​ Pre Bath clipping
  • Some dogs such as poodles or old sheep dogs can have a great deal of their thick coat clipped before bathing This also can save on washing or bath time.

  • Bathing
  • The bathing time should be a pleasant experience; we also like to massage the dog as further treatment after applying the shampoo.

  •  Nails
  • After or during the grooming of your dog their nails are clipped and filed. Dog’s nails should be cut regularly especially if they are kept inside.

  • Clipping
  • Good clipping is an art. It should be done kindly with consideration. Our Bark staff gets to love and understand the dogs they regularly clip. They always talk and encourage them throughout the process.

  • Ears and eyes
  • The groomer will also clean the ears and the eyes carefully after bathing.

  •  Beautifying
  • When the grooming process is all finished the groomer will check the overall look and add finishing touches.

Now we ​offer

10% off for 1st​ trial  &

20% off for In-Store Grooming services

Groomers & Products at Bark

Good groomers and premium products can rock the world!

At Bark, all of our groomers are dedicated pet owners. They love and understand pets, and soon you will find the good interaction between our groomers and your pets.

To make it a perfect experience for your pets, we use premium, natural shampoo, coat conditioner, spray-on detangler and a scented natural spritz.



Nail and Ears Package

    For cats, we also offer package services including nail trim, ear cleaning and ear hair removal.

Oral Care Service

Daily brushing is ideal if you can find the time, but once or twice weekly will still keep you ahead of the game. We can help brush your dogs’ teeth upon request.

Check our In-House Groomin​g

Hightly recommended by our clients

Pick-Up & Drop-Off service provided
 Woof, it keeps me looking good and healthy

Call Us: +86 (021) 3​​​208 7757